Thursday, September 19, 2013

Closing statements on the ability to improve your mind

I figured I just couldn't leave it as it is.  The argument isn't complete yet.  If you were to read everything I've written from the viewpoint of one who has always believed in a fixed IQ and limited memory potential and cognitive capabilities, then you might point out the following:
--Basically, what I've written is something like, it doesn't benefit you to believe that you can't improve, it doesn't make sense to me that it wouldn't be possible, and there are some recent studies that say that you can improve.  Well the first two points are no support.  Which view is most beneficial for one to believe has no impact on which view is more accurate, and the fact that I can't see how it makes sense doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense.  And the studies that say it's possible?  Well anyone can go out and find plenty of studies that say it's not possible.  Why should one place more faith in the particular studies I chose to pick out, rather than all of the other studies out there that say it can't be done?--
In other words, you probably wouldn't be convinced.  You probably shouldn't be convinced.  It's not a complete argument.  There's still more to be said.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Are People Defined by their Desires?

Okay, maybe that's a strange question to ask.  If I were to ask you about someone, you'd probably tell me such things as their height and weight, how old they are, where they're from, stuff like that.  None of that is related to desires in any way.  But, if I were to ask you, "What is that person like?  Not in physical aspects, but mentally.  What type of person is that person?" you might tell me how they act, how they interact with others, hobbies, things like that.  All of these features can perhaps be explained as a result of desires.  It's more than that though.  I would go so far as to say that one's actions can be explained as the result of one's desires.  So, in the same sense as the phrase "people are defined by their actions," I ask the question, "Are people defined by their desires?"

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential"

Well I was about to do one last post on cognitive limits, but then I found this and figured that I'll just base the post on this article.  This way you can hear someone else arguing the point.  My thoughts on this article are down below.