Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Definition of Strength

Not physical strength, mental strength.  The strength to withstand all the troubles you encountered.  The strength to live through suffering and fight through pain.  But it was more than that.  It was about doing it for the sake of others.

If you could deal with discomfort in order to not discomfort someone else, then why not?  If you could accept the wrongs that other people did to you rather than complaining unnecessarily, wasn't that being strong?  If you couldn't do it, you were too weak to resist your own desires; you weren't strong enough to put others' feelings before your own.

Of course, there are always exceptions.  There's no reason to suffer in silence when it won't help anyone.  If by complaining you can make something better for others also, then surely that's better.

And then there's the matter of extremes.  Do you lose on purpose because the other person would be so much more hurt by the loss?
Why not, if you don't mind?
Wait, no way, that's way too far!
Do you bear extreme burdens just so one other person could be a little bit happier?
It's the ultimate strength!
Or the ultimate foolishness.  Besides, in a lot of situations, I'm sure most people would rather not have you suffer so they could be happy.
Unless people hate you.
So, you're saying to die to make your enemies happy?
No.  And what, you have no friends?
I have selfish friends.
They probably aren't your friends if they don't care about your happiness.
Well maybe they care about my happiness but they also care about what they want.  If giving up what I want helps them get what they want, then I should do that?
I guess so.
But I care about what I want.
You're too weak to resist your desires.
More like that's a stupid definition of strength.
Well, maybe.

I guess that was how I defined strength.  But I certainly accepted disagreement.  I mean, sometimes I even disagree with myself.

And, that's not to say that I'm strong by that definition...

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