Monday, November 14, 2011

Breaking the themes

If you've read a string of consecutive posts, you've most likely noticed that there were a lot of progressions.  Topics that were somewhat connected that all moved towards a larger point.  And, it had been my intention to continue on in this manner, with slight variations (smaller subsections that seem to be focused on a single point but are actually connected with other sections that tie together to make an even larger point, etc, etc), but I found out something.

I didn't want to do it.  No matter what, it always seemed to be the case that whatever I wanted to write about would be the next series, the next topic, but I couldn't let myself do it because it would break the sequence.  And then, when I got to that next topic, I found out that I didn't really want to write about that, what I actually wanted to write about was the thing I was planning on writing about after that.  As such, I had everything I wanted to say planned out... for the next topic.  And then I would reach it, lose interest in it, and go on to think about the next topic.

So, I figured, why not just write the next series now?  And if I got bored with that, why not go with the next next one?  Or go back to the first one?  Or just jump around randomly?  It would probably be better than half-hearted attempts at following an ordered sequence.

With that in mind, what follows from now, instead of a perhaps seemingly unrelated set that ties together, will probably be seemingly unrelated sets that are randomly thrown together in an actually unrelated way.  Look forward to it!

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