Friday, November 18, 2011

I can't accept that. I can do anything!!!

I don't know why I keep on reading stuff that I know I'll find annoying, not do anything about, and get annoyed by because I never did anything about it, but I do.  Anyway, while I was reading stuff that annoyed me, I came across a particular comment that annoyed me, one part of it being:
Many people realize that unless they change their life around fighting games they will always be a pot monster [one who pays to enter tournaments and loses].  Even then you may just not be talented enough.  This is the reality of the world.  The idea that anyone could be anything is bullshit.  So its easier to sit back, have fun, and spam Floe faces in stream chat.
I can't accept that.  I can't accept that!  I essentially live my life devoted to the belief that that is not true, and personally, I believe that
you should too.

There is a difference between people.  I can't deny that.  But I have to believe that it is only a starting difference; a difference in your entry level in any area.  Of course, there are infinitely many areas, from ability in math to reaction times to perhaps even an ability to learn.  But who's to say you can't improve your ability in math, improve your reaction times, maybe even improve your ability to learn?  What's so different between you and someone who's better than you?  If you just knew that, then you knew what to improve on, right?

A lot of people seem to think that they can't do many of the things I can do, and I always want to say, "I think you can; it's not that hard."  Take 2 player Wii Sports Tennis, for example.  First, you have to be able to hit the ball in the direction you want fairly consistently.  After that, you can start doing 2 players and try taking your eyes off the screen right when you hit the ball to look at the other screen.  Then you just add in strategies, and start using the front person, and maybe do some instinctive quick returns when you recognize certain patterns...
Actually, I always kind of hate when people say things like, "Oh, well it's really easy," when it's not easy for the person they're saying it to.  Yeah, it's really easy for you because you practiced the game a lot, or you practiced that skill a lot, or you're just a natural at it.  But that's really hard for me!  And I'm sure that's the case for other people in a lot of the things that are easy for me.  But I still stand by what I said, that you can do it too.  You might have to work harder for it, but I think you can do it too.

But what if you want to beat someone more naturally talented than you, and they work on improving as much as you do?  I say you have to rely on limits and, well, luck.  Maybe you're training in Dance Dance Revolution and you can't do Heavy and you're trying to beat someone who can do all the songs.  Well obviously they're going to win.  But then you both train really hard, and now you can do all the songs and even get 90% perfects, but now they can get 99% perfects.  They're still going to beat you.  But let's say you keep going and now you can get perfect 99% of the time.  Well maybe now they average 99.5% perfects.  And maybe they're always "better" than you, but if you approach the limits, you'll have a chance to win every time you play.  You have a good day, do a little bit above your average, they have a bad day and do a little worse and you get your win.
You want more than that?  Well, actually try harder than them.  Try so hard that no one in the world will try harder than you!  What do you mean that's impractical, impossible?  No way!

What, that's all easy to say for someone who seems to be naturally talented at almost everything?  Well maybe it is.  And if you want to believe that people that aren't born with certain talents will never be able to do things that others who were born with them can, well go ahead.  Basically, you're saying that I'll be better than very many people in very many things, and that it's a difference that cannot be overcome.  Maybe it's true, but a statement like that can't be proven, so why take the "negative" view?

I'll stick to the idea that anything I can do, you can do too.
Anything I can do, you can do...
Which, by the way, naturally implies that
anything you can do, I can do too.
I hope you don't mind me believing that also.

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