I also don't like the cold much either. I mean, I kind of like snow, but not when it's freezing cold and blowing in your face as you walk through it.
Which is what it will probably be like tomorrow. |
You could be the most arrogant, closed-minded person ever, bent on making the world agree with your absolutely unquestionable views, but as long as you weren't a bad person, then I was all right with that.
And, I've never met someone who I would call a "bad person".
Maybe I was just lucky. I hung out with the good crowds and all that. But everyone I ever met always seemed to do something to show that they cared about others. I mean, even people who cuss and insult people every few seconds, even people like that apologize for stuff. Or they offer to do nice things for others, stuff like that. It's like, what, they actually care? But, they do actually care. And I figure, well, I guess they aren't bad people. I mean, everyone makes mistakes, and everyone lives their life with different beliefs and ideals, but in the end, it seems like no one's actually a bad person.
[Huh, what? I'm too lenient in my judgement of people? Well how lenient is too lenient? And are you trying to tell me that your way of judging people is so much better than my way? Man I hate people like that.]
So, I didn't actually hate people. Sometimes I hated the things they did or the way they acted, but I didn't hate the people themselves. So I could get along with everyone to some extent. I mean, if you did all the things I hate, then it'd probably be harder for me to talk to you or connect with you, but I wasn't going to hate you for it or anything. It just didn't really matter that much to me.
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